Jason Oddy

Immortality is an idea that has been around for as long as humankind. In 'Dying Is Not Good For You' I visited the two main cryonics facilities in America to investigate the most recent manifestation of this age-old dream. 

At the Cryonics Institute in Clintontown, Michigan and at the ALCOR Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona I documented the mundane relics of this quixotic experiment in deep-freezing. A multi-body storage vat shaped like some Heath Robinson contraption. Another looking as if it had stepped out of a Max Ernst painting. A wall of photographic portraits of now ice-bound ‘cryonauts’ waiting to be reanimated. Canisters containing only frozen heads. 

The cryonics industry’s promise to bring you back to life ostensibly depends on some far advanced, as yet unrealised technology. Still, as the work I made in Clintontown and Scottsdale intimates, this unproven science is, at its core, driven by primitive and magical thinking. Suffused with a cool, melancholic air, the pictures also suggest that while living forever might sound tempting to some, life without end might ultimately be too much for us mere mortals to bear.