Jason Oddy
Guantanamo Bay

One of the most important aspects of my work is gaining access to off-limits places. Six months after visiting the Pentagon I managed to get into Guantanamo Bay. Coinciding with the height of America’s War on Terror my four-day tour of this Caribbean naval base-cum-prison camp was tightly controlled. Each time I took a picture the position of my camera, even the direction that I pointed it in, had to be officially sanctioned. While the choice of which photograph to take remained mine, in the end I came away with a series of images that was to all effects pre-edited. To ensure that I wasn’t simply repeating or even reinforcing the Bush administration’s glossed-over narrative, I decided to present each picture alongside its literal negative. A strategy both meant to call attention to the invisible censorship and also to negate any messages the US military’s department of Public Affairs might have hoped these highly supervised photographs would convey.